No. 9 – 11 Dong Da street, ward 2, Tan Binh district, Ho Chi Minh city
DEK Technologies was established in Melbourne Australia in 1999. We have grown from 3 to over 700 people by developing and strengthening our range of capabilities and strategically opening up offices in 5 different locations.
DEK Technologies Vietnam is the largest office with over 500 employees and have extensive experience in software development, Telecom and Data- communication, embedded systems and real-time solutions.
We have open and honest culture where people are valued, treated fairly, trusted, and empowered.
People enjoy working at DEK as they enjoy the team camaraderie, flexibility and feeling part of the company’s success.
The DEK Foundation was started by the company’s directors and staff as a response to witnessing the struggles of the poor and disadvantaged in our communities.
With a focus on children, we support programs for the uneducated and poor by helping improve community child-care facilities, providing tutorship opportunities and funding research/training for leading medical institutes.
I want DEK Technologies Vietnam to be an employer of choice. A place where people belong, trust, develop, and grow together.
It is important to me that we have people who believe strongly in our values. It’s only when everyone works together as a team that we can achieve the best possible outcomes for our customers and ourselves. We need to be open, honest, and appreciate that learning and improving is a never ending endeavour.
I started at DEK Technologies Vietnam in 2008. With a background in Telecommunication and IT industry, I have been successfully taking on various roles from Technician to Leadership such as: Software Engineer, Scrum Master, Project Manager, DEK Coach, Line Manager and now a Division Head who is responsible for business areas.
My dream from the very first day was to turn DEK Technologies Vietnam into a good place to work. After experiencing various working environments in many industries, I have found that our Board of Directors have the heart and passion to make this dream come true. We have trained and inspired members on what we want to create and achieve and now have more than 500 passionate members with high technical skills. We are continuously improving to attract more talents and to give our members successful careers.
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