VietnamWorks - Nền tảng tuyển dụng, việc làm, tra cứu lương & tư vấn nghề nghiệp hàng đầu Việt NamVietnamWorks - Nền tảng tuyển dụng, việc làm, tra cứu lương & tư vấn nghề nghiệp hàng đầu Việt Nam
VietnamWorks inTECH - việc làm IT trên VietnamWorks.comVietnamWorks inTECH - việc làm IT trên
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    Chính phủ & NGO

IESC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to equitable, sustainable economic growth in developing countries. IESC believes that a robust private sector is a foundation for resilient nations and strong communities. Since 1964 IESC has helped to grow small and medium enterprises around the world and strengthened the systems and institutions that support them. By deploying a mix of technical assistance and volunteer expert support, IESC works with emerging industries, financial institutions, and governments to stabilize economic environments, increase opportunity, and promote growth.



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