VietnamWorks - Nền tảng tuyển dụng, việc làm, tra cứu lương & tư vấn nghề nghiệp hàng đầu Việt NamVietnamWorks - Nền tảng tuyển dụng, việc làm, tra cứu lương & tư vấn nghề nghiệp hàng đầu Việt Nam
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Nhà tuyển dụng
OFCO Group

OFCO Group

8 lượt theo dõi

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  • Quy mô

    10-24 nhân viên

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    Nông nghiệp/Lâm nghiệp/Nuôi trồng thủy sản

  • Liên hệ

    DIENER Jean-Charles

OFCO is an independent seafood inspection company that provides inspection and consulting services to customers. The company's objective is to improve and support its regular customers' seafood purchase from Vietnam. For more information about us, you can visit our websites: OUR VALUE: Commitment: At OFCO, we are committed on all levels of management to achieve our vision. We approach our work with dedication and persistence, ensuring that we deliver excellence in everything we do. Integrity: Our actions are guided by integrity. We uphold honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all our interactions. Trust is the foundation of our relationships with clients, employees, and partners. Respect: We treat our clients, employees, and stakeholders with the highest form of respect. We value diversity, listen actively, and foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard. Ownership: Taking ownership and responsibility is part of our DNA. We don’t shy away from challenges; instead, we embrace them as opportunities for growth. Each team member contributes to our collective success. Teamwork: Effective communication and collaboration define our teamwork. We recognize that together, we achieve more. By leveraging each other’s strengths, we maximize efficiency and create a supportive work environment. Excellence: From project initiation to completion, we strive for excellence. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and continuous improvement sets us apart. We “walk the extra mile” to maintain high standards and client satisfaction. At OFCO, we embody these principles daily as we strive to create exceptional value. Join us on our journey of sustainable growth and positive impact. OUT BENEFITS Commitment: At OFCO, we are committed on all levels of management to achieve our vision. We approach our work with dedication and persistence, ensuring that we deliver excellence in everything we do. Integrity: Our actions are guided by integrity. We uphold honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all our interactions. Trust is the foundation of our relationships with clients, employees, and partners. Respect: We treat our clients, employees, and stakeholders with the highest form of respect. We value diversity, listen actively, and foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard. Ownership: Taking ownership and responsibility is part of our DNA. We don’t shy away from challenges; instead, we embrace them as opportunities for growth. Each team member contributes to our collective success. Teamwork: Effective communication and collaboration define our teamwork. We recognize that together, we achieve more. By leveraging each other’s strengths, we maximize efficiency and create a supportive work environment. Excellence: From project initiation to completion, we strive for excellence. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and continuous improvement sets us apart. We “walk the extra mile” to maintain high standards and client satisfaction. At OFCO, we embody these principles daily as we strive to create exceptional value. Join us on our journey of sustainable growth and positive impact.

OFCO Group
OFCO Group
OFCO Group
OFCO Group
OFCO Group
OFCO Group
OFCO Group


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Phúc lợi

Khám sức khoẻ

Healthcare plan, Company trip

Đào tạo

Performance Bonus, training, Competitive salary

Du lịch

travel opportunity

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